Well, I have been a bad blogger since we left Texas. I had promised so many friends that I wouldn't stop blogging, and well I haven't kept my end of the deal. So here we go, a review of the past 3.5 months from the great state of South Carolina.
Monroe and I packed up our life in Dallas and pulled out of our apartment complex on September 24th at about 3:00 in the afternoon. We stood in our empty apartment that we had spent the first three years of marriage in, with mixed emotions. We were tired and very sweaty and gross with a long drive ahead of us. Part of me wanted to lock myself in the apartment and never leave, the other part of me was SO excited to start the next chapter of our lives in South Carolina. The hardest part about leaving was saying goodbye to all of our dear friends, we are so blessed by our Texas friends. Monroe can be thankful he was in a separate car because I had tears in my eyes all the way out of the city, passing by things one last time, yes we will go back to visit but we will never live there again.
We made the trip in 2 days. We drove about 6.5 hours the first afternoon and stopped in Pearl, Mississippi. After a shower and a Wendy's baked potato we were feeling great! We woke up early the next morning to drive the 8 hours to Clemson. It was really exciting once we finally crossed the state line into our new home state of South Carolina.
That is a lot of boxes ready to be loaded on the truck! |
Tango was happy to get to the hotel too!! |
Monroe pulling MORE stuff!! |
We made it!!! |
Awesome self portrait haha |
Our stuff that was on the truck would take a few days to arrive so we stayed with Monroe's parents until it arrived. We were told we would get a phone call the day before, but that didn't happen. We were sitting around on my birthday morning (oct 1st) and it was raining and I was feeling thankful that our stuff was still on the road, I really didn't feel like spending my birthday in the rain unpacking. Well...right as I had that thought my phone rang and the truck driver said he was outside of our house. Good thing the Campbell's only live about a mile from where we are living. We threw on some clothes and were over here in no time. It was fun to see all of our stuff be unloaded, but my goodness we have a lot. It took the rest of the week to get it all unpacked. I couldn't have done it with out my wonderful mother in law who kept me going. Finally by Friday night we were in the house to sleep for the first time.

We have been so blessed to be able to live in my sister in law, Allison's house while we are figuring out where we will live. Her house is so cute, and we might not ever let her move in :) You can see all the work she did on
her blog.
On October 2nd we went and met with our new fertility doctor, Dr. Paul Miller. He is wonderful! We were so excited about all he told us and we put my surgery on the calendar for November 29th. More to come on that a little later in the post.
Since we moved to Clemson life has been non stop. My oldest friend Meghan came to visit from Athens, GA. It was so fun to spend time with her and I am thrilled she is just about a hour and a half away. Then Meredith came over her fall break!! What fun to see her little baby bump! Then, I went to my parents house in Alexandria Virginia on Halloween and spent almost a week there. It was the first time I had been home since they had finished the house. It looks amazing. I am trying to figure out how to move it to Clemson so that I can have it. It was so fun to be able to wake up in the morning and get in the car and be to mom and dad's by the early afternoon. They are just a drive away now!! It was so good to see my grandparents and just to spend time with my family.
Here is half of Mom and Dad's new kitchen! AMAZING! |
That next weekend I drove to Chattanooga to host Meredith's baby shower, that was only about a 3 hour drive. It was so fun to be able to catch up with her and be able to host her baby shower, not something I would have been able to do from Dallas.
Then the next weekend Monroe's cousin Sara Margaret got married here in South Carolina, and by the time all those festivities were over it was Thanksgiving. Time has just flown!!
The day after Thanksgiving we went and got our FIRST Christmas tree as a married couple. We never got one while living in Dallas because we were always traveling over the Holidays. It was so fun to have one in our house and to decorate it and start our traditions as a family.
Tango by our tree |
Our family ornament this year. In hopes that the stork will visit us in 2013 |
My tacky yet true pick for my sweet hubby |
Mine from Monroe...I live in Clemson now :) |
pretty first tree |
November 29th, the Thursday after Thanksgiving I had my surgery to remove the septum from my uterus. To say I was nervous is an understatement. Mom and Daddy came into town on Wednesday evening and I honestly don't even really remember much of that day I was so nervous. We had to be at Greenville Memorial at 5:30am on Thursday for my 8:00am surgery. I tried to talk myself and Monroe and Mom out of me having the surgery all the way until I was in the bed in the preop room. Finally I got my IV and some anti anxiety medication and after that I was pretty good. The surgery was a huge success and I am 4.5 weeks out and feeling great! We love Dr. Miller and are so thankful for him and his gifts as a surgeon and doctor. We feel so blessed to have him as our doctor in this scary, confusing and emotion journey of infertility.
Here I am...ready to go! Horrible picture but fun to have |
We spent Christmas in Virginia with my family. It was so great to be home for Christmas! I flew up the Tuesday before Christmas and then Monroe and Tango come up on Friday, and then Tripp came in early Saturday morning. Finally we were ALL home!! We had so much fun being with my family. No matter how old I get, there really is nothing like waking up on Christmas morning at your mom and dads house, it just feels so good!
So good to see my brother |
Brother and my beautiful mommy |
Me and my Papa |
Mommy and Daddy's tree |
Brother, Granma, Me and Monroe on Christmas night |
Me and my Daddy and Brother |
Monroe and my Daddy! Love these two men |
We drove back to Clemson on the 28th so that we would be here to celebrate Ellie's first birthday. I can't believe she is already a year old. Happy Birthday bubble belly Ellie!!
Since we spent Christmas day with my family, we had a Campbell Christmas on Saturday the 30th. We had breakfast for dinner and then opened presents. It was so much fun to watch Daniel and Ellie open presents. We spent the New Years Eve and Day in our PJs because poor Monroe has been sick.
It has been a crazy but wonderful last few months. Looking back, there are so many things that I didn't even have time to write about, like my birthday party, our trip to Williamsburg for Owen and Heather's wedding, the Getty's concert, our cookie baking day, and lots more. Just another reason why I need to be better about keeping up the blog. It is sad to close a chapter in your life, but really exciting to see where the Lord is leading us and what He has planned next for us.
What a great update! It sounds like SC is treating you well- there is nothing like being near family! Praying for you in your fertility journey!
ReplyDeleteI wish I had known you were stopping in Pearl! That's about 10 minutes from me! I'm praying for you...Keep me posted!