I have been slacking on my blog posts...oops! Time to catch up a little bit. Not much going on, other than our last trip of the Summer to South Carolina. It's hard to believe that Fall is already here.
Monroe and I traveled to Clemson the weekend of August 27th for his cousin Luke's wedding. We went down on Wednesday afternoon and came home Sunday after the wedding. It was so nice to be able to spend a few days in wonderful South Carolina, and not just a rushed weekend.
We got into Atlanta on Wednesday got a car and headed to Clemson for what is supposed to be about an hour and a half trip. We were SO excited to get there as everyone was waiting for us for Carrie and Dan to tell if they were having a baby girl or a baby boy. Well about an hour into the trip, eager to get there I plugged in "current location" to the Campbell's house into my cell phone and it said 3 hours!! I said "ummm honey why are we getting farther away from home?" Monroe "oh no we are headed the wrong way!!!!" Yes, we went 120 miles out of our way. We were so excited and were talking and laughing that we didn't realize we had gone 60 miles in the wrong direction. We called Gretchen, who thought we were kidding and begged Carrie to hold the news until we got there. Well we made record time parked the car, ran inside with just our bodies and our camera and got right down to business of finding out...is it a girl or a boy?! IT'S A GIRL!!! So excited for our new niece to be here around Christmas. Fun memories, and sorry again Carrie for holding up the show, thanks for waiting on us.
Thursday I spent the day with Allison and Sarah, they are the best let me tell you! We went to full little shops in Clemson and got frozen yogurt. On Thursday night we had a girls night, while the boys were at the farm doing boy things! Kathryn joined us for her first girls night :). It was so fun to all be together. We went to dinner at the Lazy Goat in downtown Greenville, took some pictures walked around and some how ended up at a gelato place. Funny how us Campbell girls work!! I have always wanted sisters, and the Lord provided me the best 4 sisters a girl could ask for. These women are so amazing and I am so blessed to have them in my life, not only as my sisters but as my dearest friends. No matter what I know that they are there to love and support me, and always have a good laugh. I love you so much Carrie, Rachael, Allison and Sarah!!
After girls night I fell asleep with Kathryn on my chest in the basement. Bert and Monroe came home late from the farm to find me asleep on the couch with sweet Kathryn. Monroe and I carried her upstairs and were going to put her where she was going to sleep but there was a giant roach! I refused to let her sleep there, so we had her sleep with us. Monroe wanted her to sleep in the bed, but I laid there with my eyes WIDE open terrified that Monroe was going to flip onto her. Creative Monroe made a bed for her next to us and we were all able to sleep peacefully. She only woke up two times and we were able to get her right back down. Good practice...I would say so. She is so sweet that baby, one day she will laugh at how Uncle Roe Roe and Auntie Katie made her a silly bed on the floor of their bedroom.
Friday the wedding fun started! It was a beautiful weekend for a wedding. We had so much fun. Sydney was a beautiful bride, and is a great addition to the family.
It was such a fun weekend. Once again Monroe and I are amazed at the wonderful family the Lord has blessed us with.
Here are some of my favorite pictures from the weekend.
Finally made it! 4 miles to go! |
Little D trying to get into those ballons. Will it be a boy or a girl?! |
ITS A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!
Girls night! |
Kathryn enjoying her first "girls night" |
Best sisters a girl could ask fo |
Kathryn really is a great name! |
The bed Monroe made for Kathryn |
We are so cool! |
Favorite of the whole weekend! |
WE are blessed to have you in our family... couldn't have asked for a better sister-addition! :) Love you, Katie. Please come back!!