Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Egg Retrieval

After 2+ years of things not working, we finally made it to this point. Praising God for getting us to this moment.

I had my egg retrieval on Monday morning, we had to be at the hospital at 6:00am for an 8:00 procedure. We got into the pre-op room I got into my gown, and then the anxiety really set in. It was hard for me to separate that this was going to be different from the major surgery I had in November. This was only IV sedation, not general, I would be breathing on my own and it would be a quick wake up with minimal pain.

The procedure was fast and simple, I didn't know a thing was going on. I woke up quickly and was ready to go home before they would let me. Looking back on it, I was clearly not as awake as I thought I was. Obsessively asking about my vital signs, and asking probably a million times how many eggs they got. Also the woman next to me in recovery had clearly had a more serious surgery because she was vomiting continually. Well, for those of you who know me know that others vomiting is my biggest fear. A fear like normal people have of snakes or spiders or heights, well for this girl it is vomit that brings on that fight or flight response and I usually get the heck out of dodge. I have locked poor Monroe out of our bedroom when he was vomiting and wouldn't let him back in until he was for sure not going to throw up again, I know I need to get over this. Anyways, that being said this very sick lady next to me only caused me to say to the nurse "ummm that lady is making me a little anxious", fully alert Katie would have been up and running. I was quickly reunited with Monroe and we were on our way home. Such a great feeling to have that procedure behind us.

They retrieved 17 eggs!! We were in total shock, still kind of are. I can't believe that my body produced that number of eggs. We go in tomorrow for the transfer, where they will transfer 2 embryos back into my uterus, and then we wait. The attachment that we feel to those babies is amazing already. We are not sharing publicly how many embryos we have, and how many we will be abel to freeze. We just ask for prayers that those little ones continue to grow and be strong. I will update later this week on how the transfer went, I will have plenty of time on my hands because I will be in bed for a few days.

I have found myself singing the Doxology over and over these past few days! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!!!!!


  1. I've been following for a while, but I don't think I've ever commented. (I worked with Monroe at the Wilds in 2005). I'm so excited for you! 17 eggs?! That's amazing! I will be praying that all goes well and God blesses you both with a child (or twins!!) with this procedure! Such an exciting time!

  2. Katie - I am praying that this is successful for you and Monroe. Love, Ann Bailes

  3. Yay for lots of eggs! Praying for growth...and successful transfer...and a happy & healthy 9 months!!!

  4. Congrats!! Praying for the little nuggets and that they find a happy home in your belly real soon. Love you!

  5. Praying for you and Monroe throughout this process!!!

  6. I'm so excited to hear there were so many eggs!! I'm praying for you!!!

  7. yay thats sooo many eggs!! holy moly :) praying for you!

  8. YAY! This makes me so happy! Praying for you all non-stop! xoxo

  9. That's a great! I conceived via 2nd attempt at ICSI and just gave birth about 3 months ago. It is just so amazing for us. Our first child after being married for 9 years. Just got to keep the faith and be happy! :) Wishing you success! God bless you!


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