When moving to Dallas, I thought I would never see snow again....oh boy was I wrong. Starting last Tuesday February 1st; we woke up to a winter wonderland of ICE! Work was canceled for me, and even with much protest from me, Monroe went into work (even though his office was closed)!! I couldn't believe the ice, I had never seen anything like it, growing up in Virginia we had snow, but ice is totally different; we could have skated on our streets!! The temperatures didn't go up at all that week work was canceled again on Wednesday, and then Thursday; on Thursday we heard reports that it was supposed to snow, but just a dusting. Well a little after midnight on Monroe came and woke me up and said "YOU HAVE GOT TO SEE THIS!!!!!" it was POURING snow, and about an inch had already accumulated. Of course I jumped out of bed put on clothes and a hate and my big puffy coat and we went outside. It was beautiful! Monroe had to help 2 cars that were stuck on our street. We came inside got warm, and went to bed. Monroe woke me up at 6:45am Friday morning saying he wanted to be the "first people to play in the snow", he is such a kid at heart. We had about 7 inches of beautiful fluffy snow! Being the wonderful wife that I am ;) I got out of bed made us eggs and bacon, and then we bundled up and went for a long walk in the snow. Our neighborhood (The Village), which is really a collection of apartment complexes, has beautiful running paths, with lakes and pretty trees, so we decided to take a stroll along the paths. We probably walked for over an hour, I was loving taking pictures, Monroe told me I am turning into his mom with the camera. (sorry Gretchen, I took it as a compliment) That afternoon once the snow had stopped we ventured to the grocery store, because we had NOTHING in our house; well the grocery store had NOTHING as well. We got some firewood and some champagne and come home and settled in for a romantic night snowed in. We watched movies and drank our champagne next to the fire. What a great memory! I didn't think we would see any more weather like that this year, but then again yesterday we had another day off work for ice....I think it is finally over now considering this weekend it is supposed to be near 70!
Here are some pictures from our adventures in the Winter Wonderland!!
When the snow first started |
Me and Tango in the snow on the first night |
Me and Tango watching Monroe help cars get unstuck |
What we woke up to Friday morning!!!!!!!!! |
Entrance to our complex |
Monroe by the lake |
On our walk |
Perfect puppy in the snow |
Snow kisses!! :) |
Mommy and Tango on Friday night |
Champagne and fire with the love of my life :) |
so pretty :)...and so fun!!! love you all!!!!!